Greetings to you today! I pray that God’s very best is yours and that you are surrounded by His love and favor. This is a new day and your Heavenly Father has great plans to bring forth His best in your life, prospering you in all you set your hands to do and releasing His abounding grace upon you so that you may have everything you need and desire for His glory.
My vision for this ministry is to shine the light of the gospel by preaching and teaching one of the most fundamental and foundational truths of the Christian life – our blood covenant relationship with God. Every believer has a relationship with God, but can we clearly and accurately define that relationship? What is God’s definition of a genuine, intimate relationship with each of His children? And how is this relationship able to transform our lives so that we can abound in our individual lives and then go into the world as bold ambassadors of Christ who speak the truth in the midst of lost and hurting people?
Every person who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, not only receives complete forgiveness for their sins and live an eternal life, but they immediately enter into the most intimate, perfect, and unbreakable blood covenant relationship with God. This supernatural relationship has been sealed by the blood of Jesus; it does not include the religious lies and man-made traditions that have constantly entangled believers with unbelief and fear. Instead, we now possess a better covenant built on better promises – one that will produce victory, abundance, and daily fellowship with God that is above and beyond anything that could be imagined.
Today is the day to dive into the truth of your blood covenant relationship with God. When you choose to walk with Him and stand on your covenant promises in faith, your Heavenly Father faithfully performs His perfect will in your life, preparing you to experience days of heaven on earth.
I pray and believe that God’s very best is yours!
Rev. Joel Cupps